Frequently Asked Questions
Please review the list of answers to your questions below. If you cannot find what you're looking for please contact us at info@digitalscoresheet.ca.

When can I start using Digital Scoresheet?

The Digital Scoresheet program was built and tested at the start of 2013. The company is now rolling out the program and offering demonstrations and 14-day trial periods to teams and leagues. Feel free to contact us at info@digitalscoresheet.ca to schedule a demonstration.

How do I download Digital Scoresheet?

We're offering free trials now. To start your free trial contact info@digitalscoresheet.ca with your upcoming game details or a link to the roster and schedule online. We will send you an email with your login details and basic instructions. Then you just go to the Equipment page to download the progam. Easy!

Does Digital Scoresheet require an internet connection?

The program requires an internet connection for the initial download and subsequent uploads, though not for the entry of the game sheet, which can be done at the arena without a connection.

Will Digital Scoresheet work on all operating systems?

Digital Scoresheet will work on Windows XP3 and later and on Macs. In the future we’ll be developing applications for the software to run on tablets and cellphones.

What is the cost of Digital Scoresheet?

Digital Scoresheet Inc. is committed to offering our software at prices affordable for recreational and minor hockey teams. In our opening season we’ll offer the software for as low as the cost of one cup of coffee per player.  Contact us directly for more pricing information.

Will my league accept the use of Digital Scoresheet?

The answer to this question depends on your league. We are marketing the system at a league level so that all teams will receive the system’s benefits. Digital Scoresheet Inc. can also build customized websites to share game statistics with parents and players.


User FAQ:

What is the contact information for customer questions of Digital Scoresheet?

You can reach us at info@digitalscoresheet.ca.

Can my team access older scoresheets?

All scoresheets will be archived on the system. You can retrieve any scoresheet from your season.

How do I pay for Digital Scoresheet?

We will establish a PayPal link for payment. We also accept cheques.